Hello. Enjoy the special items handcrafted for healthy skin!
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The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. Black Hands and the owner makes no guarantees, representations or warranty, express or implied. You should not rely upon the material or information on the website as a basis for making any business, personal, legal, or any other decision.

Terms of Use and Store Policies

By using and purchasing through this site, you automatically acknowledge and agree to our terms and policies. We reserve the right to change these terms at any time.  Black Hands is not responsible for any misuse of a product.

Medical Disclaimer

As many of the herbs and other natural ingredients in handmade soaps are believed to have healing properties, the information should never be used to self-medicate or treat any form of physical or mental disease or health problem. We do not recommend the use of these products as a substitute for medical care.  Our products are created to clean your skin.  If you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients in our products, they can cause skin irritation. Even natural ingredients may cause sensitivities. Since every person is different, and we cannot guarantee you will not get a reaction or irritation.

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. You are also encouraged to test the product to ensure that it meets your needs. 

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